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Thursday, July 28, 2016


This morning I went for a wonderful swim before work.  Usually in the morning, I do a relaxed swim marveling at the way the sun lights up the water dripping off my arm like diamonds, the silkiness of the lake flowing smoothly around me, supporting me, caressing me, enjoying me as I revel in the water.
Today was different.  I powered through the water, going over past discussions in my head, swimming strongly, wondering if it was all my fault, I usually assume it is.  But it was a short conversation and the water helped me to see that it had nothing to do with me at all.  My swim was harder, faster as a result!  I thought about ways I could approach the whole thing when I was done, but lately, I would rather have no conflict, like in swimming.
No matter how hard or easy I swim, there is no conflict in swimming.  There is no contact with anything giving resistance, not the ground or any person.  You couldn't really hear anyone if they were trying to argue with you in the water.  You cannot smell, as you really need to do most of your breathing through your mouth. Your only sensation is the feel of the water, all over you, every inch of your body. The water takes all of your senses and focuses them all on just the moment.  It is a meditation. What other sport is so focused?  People claim to be super focused in any sport they do, especially if they do it well but swimming forces your focus.  It is the only thing the swimming forces on you.  You do think while you are in the water, so you can really think. There are no interruptions.  You can push through the water with feeling, aggression even, but the water will not fight back, it gives in, gracefully.  Even with all that giving in, water gets total respect.  I need to be more like the water when I am landed but when swimming, I am the force, the focus.   Swimming, no conflict, only support.

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